From Self-Sabotage to Liberation

In this masterclass, Nicole goes deep into self-sabotage, the subconscious, inner child work, and shadow work.

Thank you  to all who attended live!

From Self-Sabotage to Liberation

In this masterclass, Nicole goes deep into self-sabotage, the subconscious, inner child work, and shadow work.

Thank you  to all who attended live!


Apply for The Liberation Code!

A 13 week transformational container designed for women who struggle with overwhelm, unworthiness, and unhealed trauma to provide them with the tools and knowledge that will teach them how to feel deeply confident, grounded, and fulfilled.

Nothing changes until you do. The life that you dream of is waiting for you. 

All it takes is your decision to claim it. 

Apply Now

Tanya Mallya

Working with Nicole has been life-changing. Transformative. A meeting of myself again. It’s hard for me to state how integral her work has been to my journey, and I feel like I won’t do it justice, but I will try.

If you had met me before TLC, you would have seen an anxious woman, caught in the throes of an eating disorder. I had no idea how to regulate my internal self and was caught at the mercy of external events. I believed I was broken and unfixable and nothing could help me because I had lived this way for so many years. I was lifeless, sleepwalking through my own life. I had lost myself, and I was so used to plastering on a smile and saying ‘I’m fine’.

After these past few months of our work together, I am a completely different person and I can’t express the amount of gratitude I have for Nicole. I wake up in the mornings and I am HAPPY. I am excited for my life. My anxiety doesn’t control me anymore, and that is something I thought I would never experience.

I have learned so many tools these past few months, and I am confident and sure in my ability to handle my life. I decide how I react to external events, not the other way around. I feel like a completely new person.

Christina Wilson

Since working with Nicole, my life has changed drastically. I went from being a perfectionist and a people-pleaser to being someone who can be gentle with myself. The harsh judgements and criticisms I used to throw out at myself for making a mistake or not having enough motivation somedays has faded dramatically, and I have finally forged what I believe is a healthy relationship with myself. 

For anyone who is thinking about TLC, and/or looking for a way to change their life or their patterns, this is it. TLC has changed my life since the first day, and has continued to do so everyday since. From daily practices that I have learned to implement to having an open dialogue with my thoughts and actions, I have come so far in my journey of consciousness. Since starting, I have made three massive life changes or shifts, and I have come to know and love my path. I have accepted, I have forgiven, and I have grown through this program in ways I never knew possible. I want to warn anyone looking into TLC that this is not a half-in program. It requires perseverance through highs and lows, and it requires action in order to see the changes working in your life. But after experiencing some of the deepest and most transformative emotions in my life, I am happy to say I would do it all over again.