TLC is a blueprint and an experiential journey for visionary, creative, and soul-led women who are ready to stop playing small and desire to show up fully, in power, in trust, and in confidence creating a life of freedom, impact, and deep fulfillment. 

This is for the woman who is ready to get out of her own way. 

Let's freaking go. 

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"Hello new self-esteem!"

ā€œBefore TLC, I was a very impulse-driven person. I was aware that this reaction was due to traumatic experiences from my childhood and youth. However, I simply could never handle my emotions well and let them take control of me. Severe depressive phases, low self- esteem and feelings of guilt plagued me again and again. It got to the point where I wanted to give up my business because I just didn't have the strength anymore and thought I would never make it. Thanks to Nicole, I now have tools at hand that hold me, steer me and give me security.Ā I can confidently deal with my emotions and negative thoughts.Ā This gives me so much freedom and strength. I have never felt so connected to myself. I now understand the mechanisms that go on in my body and how I can intervene to transform them. And now Iā€™m about to get an author contract and pull things into my life that Iā€™ve always wanted! Itā€™s just magical how we clear the way for the good things in life when we finally start releasing and working through the crap that keeps us caged. It doesnā€™t necessarily mean that all the shit disappears and never surfaces again. Nicole has taught me a completely different way of dealing with it and with that comes a whole new perspective on myself and my abilities as well as skills.

Hello new self-esteem! I am now convinced that I am a creator of my own reality and I finally feel it! What Nicole is teaching is not spiritual blah blah blah that you have picked up here and there. Nicole goes deep with you and combines modern spirituality with psychology. And thatā€™s what makes the difference! She understands the human psyche and gets a loving access to you. I have always felt safe and held. Nicole also never presents herself as a guru, but shows you the path you have to walk yourself. She is like an energizing provision on a long journey. A journey that ends in the liberation of your self from patterns that do not serve you. And actually that is then the beginning of the real journey. Because from then on, you stand by yourself, your scars and your authentic core - without fear, doubt or shame - armed with tools to carry you through dark days. Empowerment at its finest!

The investment was more than worth it and honestly? I would have spent more on Nicoleā€™s program.Ā Her work is unique and differentiated by a high level of integrity, love, wisdom and empowerment. If you are still considering booking TLC now, my only advice is to quiet your mind and let your heart speak! Thatā€™s exactly where Nicole will meet you! Thank you thank you thank you for letting me take this journey with you!ā€

-Natalie van Ratingen

"...We were able to learn, share, grow, heal, and discover ourselves together."

ā€œBefore TLC, I was totally lost, confused, anxious and had literally zero trust and confidence in myself. I felt so alone, unsafe in my own body and I just could not understand what was wrong with me. I felt like I was ā€˜not enoughā€™ and ā€˜too muchā€™ ā€“ all at the same time. Itā€™s like I knew I had to do something and nothing I would try really seemed to help.

Iā€™m not sure how I came across Nicoleā€™s profile on Instagram, but I found myself coming back to her videos time and again ā€“ watching her content on repeat to try and make sense of my life. I knew she was making so much sense, and had even opened the TLC sign up page enough times to know I was being drawn to it for a reason, but at the time ā€“ I had no idea what signing up to TLC was about to do for me. I also hadnā€™t ever really invested in own personal growth like this before. I had done a little bit of therapy and a few workshops ā€“ but nothing like this. Itā€™s hard to put into words, but somewhere deep down ā€“ I just knew that I needed this in my life. And I was not wrong!!

Nicole makes everything sound so simple (not easy, but simple), and working with her is like working with a friend ā€“ you can open up to her, she will hold space for you, and most importantly she will guide you to feel like your most empowered self. I would say the best part of working with Nicole is learning that I have everything I need within me. I didnā€™t need to ā€˜beā€™ more, I needed the tools to dive deeper to find more of me ā€“ that has already always been here. Every time I think about it, Iā€™m blown away by how she has brought everything together to create TLC. Itā€™s also not just learning the tools, itā€™s learning about them in a way that really resonates ā€“ understanding the origin, the science, the how, and most importantly the why behind them. I now know that I am not here to ā€˜fixā€™ myself, I am here to be curious, kind and compassionate with myself as I grow. And last but not least, I got to do this with 15 other beautiful strong women ā€“ we were able to learn, share, grow, heal and discover ourselves together.

After completing TLC, I have decided to take a step back from my 9 ā€“ 5 job, to create the time and space to explore things I am deeply passionate about. What Iā€™m about to do next is still a work in progress, and normally that might have caused a sense of anxiety and overwhelm ā€“ but I feel a sense of calm and I am at peace with myself, all because I have learned to trust myself. I know that I can now hold space for uncertainty and difficult emotions if they ariseā€¦and with that allow myself to be guided ā€“ instead of focusing all my energy on having to have everything urgently figured out.

To any one thinking about signing up ā€“ lean in, trust and DO IT! You will be signing up to receive some life changing tools, feeling safe in your body and trusting yourself to know that you can do anything you choose to ā€“ because at the end of it, you will be the most empowered version of yourself yet!

This is what TLC and Nicole will do for you ā€“ guide and empower you to be the master of your own life, to be the best version of yourself and no matter what is sent your way ā€“ and most importantly ā€“ to approach yourself with curiosity, kindness and compassion.ā€

-Naina Kurien

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The life you desire is waiting for you. 

Are you ready to claim it?

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"I'm not hiding anymore,Ā I love even the weird parts of me, and everyone else should too, and they should be able to see them."

ā€œHow do I possibly summarize the massive amount of changes that has occurred in my life since the day I signed up for The Liberation Code? This is a big challenge.

I signed up for TLC because I was having a lot of anxiety and stress was running my life. I wasnā€™t sleeping well, I was distracted and some days couldnā€™t focus for more than a few seconds at a time. I wasnā€™t enjoying what I was doing ā€“ work or otherwise ā€“ while technically living the dream of owning a business, working for myself and traveling. How could I have all the things I want and still be so unhappy and hold so much stress? My marriage had also bottomed out a few years prior which I had just come to accept as my reality.

The Liberation Code made a difference in my life before I even began the course ā€“ I had taken the leap to invest in myself for once, and I was serious about finding a better path. What I didnā€™t expect is that not only did I come away with so much less stress, much more clarity, focus and passion, but it has also enriched my life in every single aspect, it has creeped into every crevice of who I am and it not only serves me but every person around me.

Instead of writing an entire book on how Nicole helped me change my life (though I could), I will share a few of my ā€œahaā€ moments and the pieces of the classes that I felt the most evolution inside me. For one, the community. Sharing stories and experiences and feelings with other women who are also fierce but need to heal, experiencing that kind of openness and vulnerability, trusting each other to hold one another, knowing that others can relate to your worries and your trauma, that is such a valuable resource but also lesson to learn. There are others like you and vulnerability is healing. Secondly, I am a science person, learning HOW our brains work and why and then learning HOW to work with that function was so helpful for me. Lastly, though this is just scratching the surface still, my relationship with my husband has changed tremendously. It almost feels like cheating, being able to hack conflict so drastically compared to before but our relationship has deepened and strengthened tremendously through what I have learned and taught to him as well. I am so thankful for that. This isnā€™t the only relationship it has affected either. I am able to be out of my shell and confident in who I am so I show up for my friends and new acquaintances with so much more authenticity. I am me, Iā€™m not hiding anymore, I love even the weird parts of me, and everyone else should too, and they should be ABLE to see them. Iā€™m not wasting all this energy on trying to be someone else. I LOVE who I am now, even the parts that are quirky and strange and that others might be embarrassed about. And if I show others that Iā€™m not hiding, they donā€™t have to either. It is so truly liberating to be where I am and who I am so grateful that Nicole walked me down this path.

The title ā€œLiberation Codeā€ couldnā€™t be more accurate for this course. I walked away from this course liberated from self-judgement, embarrassment, fear and anxiety. I live life through a new lense of clarity in who I am and why, and am able to embrace that in a way I didnā€™t know was possible. I will always be learning about myself and there will always be things that come up that are difficult but now with the way I understand myself and humans in general, and with the tools we learned in the Liberation Code, I am certain I can and will handle anything that enters my path and I will be better for it. The Liberation Code gave me a power over my life that I only dreamed of, it gave me the ability to love myself fully, flaws and all and it also gave me the ability to understand others in such a beautiful way. I am so thankful for the journey and Iā€™m excited to continue learning and working on myself. I mean that. I am EXCITED to keep working. Itā€™s been a wild ride, and I canā€™t imagine what my life would be like had I NOT taken the leap with Nicole and our brave group of women. It can absolutely change your life.

So much love to you Nicole,

-Tina Oakley

"Nicole connected so many dots in my life and helped me understand certain patterns and past experiences that now make so much sense and help me forgive, let go and make space for love."

ā€œIā€™ve seen many therapists, tried many different methods to manage my anxiety and panic attacks and each has helped me in their own ways. Before working with Nicole, Iā€™d gotten to a point where I felt like I wasnā€™t making progress anymore. There still was anxiety, there still was panic attacks, there still was so many things I needed to get out of the system. I was able to live a more or less good life controlling my anxious feelings, but wanted to reach that point of loving life and feling 100% comfortable in it. One night being home alone and feeling anxious, one of her videos popped up on my feed and I just knew at that moment that I had to reach out to her.Ā 

From our very first Zoom Call on I felt so comfortable and heard. I was able to be completely myself and open up about anything and anyone. In as little as two months I made more progress than in a long time. Nicole connected so many dots in my life and helped me understand certain patterns and past experiences that now make so much sense and help me forgive, let go and make space for love.

For the first time in my life I was able to open up about things Iā€™ve never talked to anyone about. I cried, I laughed, I breathed and most importantly I grew so much in working together with her.Ā 

Thank you Nicole from the bottom of my heart for taking on this journey with me and guiding me along the way. You have helped me so much on so many different levels! I canā€™t wait to see what our future sessions have in store for me!"

-Vanessa Lochbaum